​Movement education and childbirth support, serving Brooklyn and NYC
Prenatal links:
Choices in Childbirth is a new york guide to caring providers in NYC. Lists include doctors, midwives, educators, and more.
Spinning Babies is a website about fetal positioning and how it relates to your positioning. A great resource for your third trimester.
The Birth Survey offers consumer feedback on hospitals, birth centers, and caregivers.
Visualizingbirth.org A resource for visual material that might help you through the birth process.
Acupuncture and Massage:
Earth and Sky Healing Arts Katinka Locasio runs this space in Long Island City-- she's an amazing infant crania-sacral therapist, and she has a staff of experienced massage therapists who specialize in prenatal/postpartum
Rebecca Wender: Massage Therapist with loads of experience in prenatal bodies, and she is now a labor doula
Leah Morrison: Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Leah also works with infants, and is a labor doula.
Ariel Sheldon: Massage Therapy. I have often sought Ariel's healing hands after my long hours at a birth!
Pre/Postnatal Yoga:
Usha Veda Yoga in Greenpoint is where I currently teach prenatal and baby-and-me yoga classes.
Integral Yoga Institute: in the West Village, IYI offers classes in prenatal, postpartum, and yoga for labor and delivery. There is also a natural food store and vitamin store adjacent to the center.
Bend and Bloom Yoga is the Grand Central Station of prenatal yoga classes, located in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Look for my prenatal class there on Sundays!
Links for Postpartum Recovery:
Body Align Physical Therapy: One of my students has been working with Jill Hoefs for postpartum recovery physical therapy. Jill and I see eye to eye on a lot of things, and she just came out with a new book.
Maternal Fitness: Julie Tupler’s is a physical therapist whose training technique is proven to correct separation, or diastasis, of the rectus abdominal muscles.
Sonia Reiter An occupational therapist based in Brooklyn who specializes in the pelvic floor. Sonia is super knowledgable, and and a former dancer knows the body from the inside out.
Amy Baumgarten A pilates teacher with a grounding in Body-Mind Centering® who specializes in prenatal/postpartum health. Amy has a lovely online course for postpartum that you can take at your own pace.
Parenting Resources:
The Babies Project Amy and Sarah are experts at infant movement, with a center based in Flatiron.
Amazing Babies Moving is a website about infant movement development. A great reasouce for learning about how your baby learns.
ConsciousBabyBlog: Another great resource to learn about your baby's movement patterns, from a Body Mind Centering perspective.
Brooklyn Baby Hui is an online parents’ forum in yahoo groups, serving North Brooklyn. Very helpful to meet other new parents, find out what's going and, and to get free and cheap baby stuff! The larger group can be overwhelming-- look for your subgroup, such as "spring babies 2015"
Mental Health:
The Motherhood Center: A center that focuses on Postpartum Depression support, located in Midtown Manhattan
Seleni Institute: Located on the Upper East Side, a center that focuses on perinatal mental health.